
Coronavirus (covid-19)

In the light of the advice from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York all public worship has been suspended until further notice. There will therefore be no public worship at St John’s this Sunday.

In light of advice, St John’s remains closed both for public worship and private prayer until further notice. The clergy will be praying regularly for all who are sick, anxious or isolated as well as for our national leaders, medical staff and researchers, along with all those whose lives have been affected by this crisis. We will also have in our thoughts those members of our own congregation who are particularly at risk and are in isolation.

Sunday morning at St John’s

This morning’s service will be streamed from the vicarage at 10am. To access the livestream, just go to You can also download an order of service on the Welcome page. Do take note that during the streaming of the service the demand can be high and the quality can vary, but you can still watch after the service has finished and the quality is often much better then.

You can also join us for coffee afterwards on zoom:

Meeting ID: 869 7599 6993

Password: 093047

Or alternatively dial in on a telephone (landline or mobile): +44 203 481 5240. You won’t be able to see our lovely faces but you can listen in on the conversation. And you don’t need to have a 3g or 4g phone to take part.

The clergy will also be live-streaming Evening Prayer (BCP) at 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. Orders of service will be available for download on our Welcome page.

If you would like to pray with a member of the clergy or to have a one-to-one con-versation, please send an e-mail to parishadmin@stajohns-hydepark.conm. We also invite you to visit our Prayer Requests page if you would like to request that the clergy, staff team and community of St John’s pray for you, a family member or a loved one.

Help Us Keep Going

The impact of covid-19 is being felt by all and it is understandable that some are feeling the effects more than others. During this time, the church is also feeling the effects. Although the building is closed there are still salaries and fixed costs we have to pay. At the same time, there are no collections on Sunday mornings and giving via the Gift Aid envelopes has gone as well – over £575 per Sunday in total. This is in addition to the loss of car parking income and church rentals. If you normally put something in the collection plate on Sundays and are still able to contribute, please consider sending it by bank transfer. You can send your donations directly to our bank account. Our bank details are:

Sort Code: 40-11-58

Account #: 80108251

As long as it comes through with your name in the detail, it will still qualify for Gift Aid. You may even want to consider setting up a standing order every month or quarter. Alternatively, you can save up your donations and bring them along with you when St John’s reopens. If you would like more information about this, please contact Bryan Sollenberger at

A very big thank you to everyone who has contributed. Total donations so far mean we have nearly covered the income from collections over the past 5 weeks that we have been unable to hold services in the church. That is a great achieve-ment and we are grateful to all who have made one-off donations or who are giving weekly.

Alternatively, we are nearly at our target for our Rainy Day Appeal (see below) and we need a last bit of help to reach our target of £40,000.

During the Week

Weekday Evening Prayer

Join us for Evening Prayer (from the Book of Commo Prayer) at 5:30 pm Monday through Friday (an order of service is available each day on our Welcome page). A Facebook account is not required to participate in our live-stream worship services.

Tuesday: Children's Music Workshop, 11am

Kids, come and join us online for a fun virtual music workshop led by our own Helen Isibor-Epega (singer-songwriter, composer and performance artist). During the 30min session, we'll express ourselves through words and sounds to create some music together (no prior experience necessary!).

What you'll need:

- Your parent’s permission

- A piece of A4 paper

- A fat pen to write some words we can all see

- An instrument if you have one (but don’t worry if you don’t)

- Your imagination!

Join the workshop

Meeting ID: 810 6907 3403

Password: 065308

Tuesday: Quiz Night, 8pm

Calling the St John’s mind-hive! Much like your physical health we’re sure your grey matter is itching for an excuse to get some exercise too. So, let us help out with our first-ever Zoom Quiz Night hosted by the inimitable Damon Greeney. All you need to do is get yourself a drink, click below and share your general knowledge as you join the SJHP quiz team!

Join the SJHP Quiz Night!

Meeting ID: 833 2436 7560

Password: 031470

Wednesday: Vicar’s Coffee Morning

The vicar will be hosting his coffee morning again on Wednesday at 11am. Text him your email address for an invite via Zoom`. Please bring your own coffee.

Meeting ID: 815 6055 6272

Password: 026947

Or alternatively dial in on a telephone (landline or mobile): +44 203 481 5240

Wednesday: Wednesday Club, 8pm

This week the Wednesday Club comes to you from the pub… well, not exactly from the pub but it will (could) involve a drink and it will involve some ethics and theology, and it will (hopefully) involve you! All you need to do is let Dan know that you’re keen and he’ll email you a little something to read that will fuel our discussion.

John the Wednesday Club

Meeting ID: 820 4174 9818

Password: 069773

Need help or just want to feel connected?

Call the office – we have a simple message: Ring! Ring! Ring! We will continue to set-up virtual groups via WhatsApp and Zoom over the coming days, but, in the meantime, anyone who is shut-in and needing help or just wanting to chat, please give us a ring, and Steve, Dan, Bryan and Andre will do their best to help.

Spread the Love

At this time of increased anxiety for so many people and with much that is un-known, we want to reassure all the members of our community that they are mem-bers of the St John’s family and we encourage everyone to stay in touch with one another by telephone, social media, e-mail or text. Encourage one another, make each other laugh and be there to listen and help where needed, but let\s learn to be the body of Christ in a new way that enables us all.

Domestic Abuse

During these weeks of close proximity, the necessity to stay indoors with little opportunity to get some space can cause pressure and stress which we might normally handle quite comfortably. Relationships can get difficult at times for the best of us. Should you be find things getting too much or out of hand and feel that you have been or may become a victim of abuse, help is available. Please ring 999 followed by 55. This will notify the police of the nature of your call. Don’t suffer in silence!

St John’s Website

We are working hard to update and make the website a hub for information, live-streams, media, etc., so check it out now and frequently in the future for updates and content. Thanks especially to Bryan Stephens for his time invested in main-taining the website.

Help Hogg Help the Vulnerable

Hogg and Son, our local chemist in Kendal Street, now have enough volunteers. They are very grateful for the fantastic response they have received and for the vital assistance in making sure vulnerable people in our local community have been supported. A big thank you to everyone who has volunteered.

New Assistant Curate

We are delighted to announce that Georgina Elsey will be joining us in July. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, Georgina’s ordination has been postponed until September. The present plan is that Georgina will still become a member of team St John’s in July and move into Archery Close, but she will do so as a licensed lay worker. Georgina is training for ordination at Cranmer Hall, Durham and a flyer introducing Georgina is available in the porch.

Rainy Day Appeal

Raised: £38,205

Target: £40,000

Two years ago we undertook some very essential repairs to the roof, gutters and parapets. If you look up on the outside north or south sides of the church, you’ll notice the beautiful new stonework. To fund the works, however, we had to borrow £200,000 from the Diocese of London.

We are now 95.3% of the way to our goal of raising £40,000 to cover this year’s repayment commitment and interest. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. Please see Bryan Sollenberger if you can help us raise that last 5%!

A Big Gay Night Out

Dick Whittington (an adult Panto) December 2020! There’s nothing like planning ahead – and tickets for this year’s panto at Above the Stag are now on sale! If you are interested in coming to the Panto on Tuesday 8th December 2020, please contact Ian Smith [] asap. Tickets, £28 a seat, sell fast (even this far ahead!).


Stay and Play

While the church is closed, the community playgroup is having a singalong with the curate on zoom at 11am on Thursday mornings.

Join the Singalong

Meeting ID: 893 6343 3153

Password: 003541