

This morning we celebrate Epiphany - the arrival of the Magi, after their long journey following a star seeking Jesus.  This is one of the oldest festivals of the Christian Church and, in the Eastern and Russian Orthodox Churches, is the equivalent of Christmas as it was in the Celtic Church until the mission of Augustine of Canterbury.  There will be a procession of the Magi and Presentation of Gifts before the crib as part of the service.  Afterwards, there will be a reception of fizz and finger food.  Please stay for a glass and share in the celebrations with us.

Epiphany Carols

13th January 2019, 6 pm

After our fantastic Advent and Christmas carol services, what next?  Epiphany carols!  Robert, Nicky and the choir have prepared another special treat to conclude our seasonal celebrations marking the events of the Epiphany season.  The service features music by Will Todd, Whitney Houston, Bach, Johnny Cash, Bach, Vaughan Williams and Tchaikovsky and will be followed by fizz and seasonal delicacies.  A great way to beat the post-Christmas blues!

Silent Film

20th January 2019, 6pm

The next silent film will be Cecil B DeMille’s 1927 King of Kings,  the second in his biblical trilogy and starring H B Warner.  The film depicts the last weeks of Jesus’ life on earth, culminating in the resurrection. 

Featuring live, improvised organ accompaniment by Nicholas Miller. Tickets £8 in advance or from the Parish Office, or £10 on the door.

St John’s Late

Our Sunday evening services resume on 27th January.  Please note the times and dates of services there is not a service on every Sunday evening.

27th January, 6pm Evensong

10th February, 8pm Compline

17th February, 6pm Evensong

24th February, 6pm Jazz Mass


St James and St John School

This is our school; a school with a proud history and an aspirational future.  St. James & St. John School provides both academic and personal development for every child, underpinned by Christian values. To quote Ofsted: "This is a good school.  It is strongly supported by parents and carers.  The strong provision for development of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural qualities ensures that pupils are kind to new arrivals and respect one another's values.  Progress in English and mathematics is good and this reflects the good teaching and curriculum."  Please feel free to visit.

If you are applying for a place for your child in September, the deadline for submission of completed applications is 15th January 2018.

Under Five’s Playgroups

Playgroups meet in St John’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am and Wednesdays at 3.45pm.  An international playgroup aimed at Russian speakers meets Wednesdays at 10am.  Suggested donation for all groups: £2.

Recycle Your Christmas Tree

If you have a live Christmas tree, what do you do once you have taken the tinsel and baubles off your tree?  Don’t just throw it out in the street - treat it with respect and take it to be recycled!  There are numerous recycling points around Westminster and one of them will be in the island in front of St John’s.   You can drop off your Christmas tree from 29th December to 13th January from 8am to 8pm.  Recycled trees help the environment - they are turned into woodchip and soil improver.